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Photo of Tremblant, Mont-Tremblant, Que., Canada
Courtesy Tremblant


Mont-Tremblant, Quebec Canada

It takes a mere 90 minutes to drive from Montreal's Dorval airport to Tremblant. The scenic road winds through the Laurentian Mountains toward what is best known as North America's second-oldest ski resort. But in summer and fall, grass covers the slopes, which funnel down through green forests to an animated alpine village crammed with shops, restaurants, pubs, hotels, and condominiums.

That pedestrian village is the centerpiece of the resort in all seasons of the year, of course, but it seems especially lively in summer, when street theater and concerts take place on its plazas and vacationers throng its outdoor cafes. Although the ski resort itself dates to the late 1930s, most of this development has occurred in the last couple of decades

That development include a new Beach & Tennis Club on the shores of Lake Tremblant. This attractive complex has 13 clay courts, some of them just steps from the beach. André Lemaire oversees the facility under his umbrella International Tennis Academy, which is now also offered on the 12 clay courts at la Belle Golf Course at nearby Gray Rocks (though the historic hotel there is now closed). Between the two venues, Lemaire and his staff offer a range of programs, from group and private lessons to clinics, junior day and overnight camps, adult camps, round robins, and occasional tournaments.

Tennis aside, there is an abundance of other recreation. There are two golf courses at the resort, supplementing those at Gray Rocks. Couple that with such other traditional Laurentian Mountain activities as horseback riding, hiking, rock climbing, fishing, watersports on the lake, and more than 100 miles of mountain-bike trails and you have the recipe for a complete vacation in one place.

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See Also

If looking for other multidimensional resorts constructed around a village, check out:



Club Plage et Tennis
2900 Chemin du Village
Mont-Tremblant, Que. J8E 1E9 Canada
Toll-free: 888-738-1777
Web Link: Tremblant

Travel Essentials

Seasons. Mid-May to early October for tennis.

General Tourist Information. For information about touring the Laurentians, see the Laurentides section of the Quebec Government Tourism Site or contact Tourism Québec, P.O. Box 979, Montréal, Qué., h3C 2W3, CANADA; phone toll-free at 877-266-5687 or fax: 514-864-3838.